If you haven’t you should watch the video before reading 👍🏽
Have you ever wondered why the Mona Lisa is so famous? In my latest video, I dive into this question to give you some cool dinner party knowledge about why it's the most famous painting in the world. Plus, I wanted to show off what I've learned about storytelling and making stuff go viral in a fun, engaging way.
In the video, I break down the Mona Lisa's journey to fame and pull out some key lessons we can use to make our own stuff go viral. There are three main points: trendsetters, community participation, and unexpectedness. By understanding these, we can better grab people's attention and get them talking.
Trendsetters: The Mona Lisa got a huge boost from being associated with Leonardo da Vinci and the Louvre Museum. For us, this means teaming up with popular people or brands in our niche. When they share our stuff, it creates a buzz and makes it more likely to go viral.
Community Participation: The Mona Lisa's fame exploded because people kept talking about it, especially after it was stolen and then recovered. We need to make our videos shareable and emotionally engaging so people want to talk about and share them. Creating discussions on social media can help build a community around our videos.
Unexpectedness: The Mona Lisa's mysterious smile and the stories around it grabbed people's interest. Adding surprising or unusual elements to our videos can make them stand out. Trying different storytelling techniques and visuals can provoke curiosity and make our videos more memorable.
The idea for this video came from a Twitter thread about why the Mona Lisa became famous, not just because it's old or great, but because it was stolen. That got me curious, so I read "Vanished Smile: The Mysterious Theft of the Mona Lisa" and did a ton of research on virality, including dissecting BuzzFeed's methods. After six drafts of the script, I almost gave up, but I came back with fresh ideas and rewrote it. Jona Garcia helped me fine-tune it, cutting out stuff that was funny but didn't help the overall goal. I'll try to link some of the sources I found useful below.
There's no magic formula for making a video go viral, but by learning from the Mona Lisa, we can improve our chances. Engaging trendsetters, encouraging community participation, and adding unexpected elements can help our videos get noticed. Check out the video to see these strategies in action and get some tips for your own creations.
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